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Version: 3.0

Getting started with Laravel

The GraphQLite-Laravel package is compatible with Laravel 5.x.


Open a terminal in your current project directory and run:

$ composer require thecodingmachine/graphqlite-laravel

If you want to publish the configuration (in order to edit it), run:

$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider=TheCodingMachine\GraphQLite\Laravel\Providers\GraphQLiteServiceProvider

You can then configure the library by editing config/graphqlite.php.



use GraphQL\Error\Debug;

return [
| GraphQLite Configuration
| Use this configuration to customize the namespace of the controllers and
| types.
| These namespaces must be autoloadable from Composer.
| GraphQLite will find the path of the files based on composer.json settings.
| You can put a single namespace, or an array of namespaces.
'controllers' => 'App\\Http\\Controllers',
'types' => 'App\\',
'uri' => '/graphql'

The debug parameters are detailed in the documentation of the Webonyx GraphQL library which is used internally by GraphQLite.

Adding GraphQL DevTools

GraphQLite does not include additional GraphQL tooling, such as the GraphiQL editor. To integrate a web UI to query your GraphQL endpoint with your Laravel installation, we recommend installing GraphQL Playground

$ composer require mll-lab/laravel-graphql-playground

You can also use any external client with GraphQLite, make sure to point it to the URL defined in the config ('/graphql' by default).