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Version: 3.0

Authentication and authorization

You might not want to expose your GraphQL API to anyone. Or you might want to keep some queries/mutations or fields reserved to some users.

GraphQLite offers some control over what a user can do with your API based on authentication (whether the user is logged or not) or authorization (what rights the user have).

GraphQLite does not have its own security mechanism. Unless you're using our Symfony Bundle, it is up to you to connect this feature to your framework's security mechanism.
See Connecting GraphQLite to your framework's security module.

@Logged and @Right annotations

GraphQLite exposes two annotations (@Logged and @Right) that you can use to restrict access to a resource.

namespace App\Controller;

use TheCodingMachine\GraphQLite\Annotations\Query;
use TheCodingMachine\GraphQLite\Annotations\Logged;
use TheCodingMachine\GraphQLite\Annotations\Right;

class UserController
* @Query
* @Logged
* @return User[]
public function users(int $limit, int $offset): array
// ...

In the example above, the query users will only be available if the user making the query is logged AND if he has the CAN_VIEW_USER_LIST right.

@Logged and @Right annotations can be used next to:

  • @Query annotations
  • @Mutation annotations
  • @Field annotations
The query/mutation/field will NOT be part of the GraphQL schema if the current user is not logged or has not the requested right.

Constant schemas

By default, the schema will vary based on who is connected. This can be a problem with some GraphQL clients as the schema is changing from one user to another.

If you want to keep a constant schema, you can use the @FailWith annotation that contains the value that will be returned for user with insufficient rights.

class UserController
* If a user is not logged or if the user has not the right "CAN_VIEW_USER_LIST",
* the value returned will be "null".
* @Query
* @Logged
* @FailWith(null)
* @return User[]
public function users(int $limit, int $offset): array
// ...

Connecting GraphQLite to your framework's security module

This step is NOT necessary for user using GraphQLite through the Symfony Bundle

GraphQLite needs to know if a user is logged or not, and what rights it has. But this is specific of the framework you use.

To plug GraphQLite to your framework's security mechanism, you will have to provide two classes implementing:

  • TheCodingMachine\GraphQLite\Security\AuthenticationServiceInterface
  • TheCodingMachine\GraphQLite\Security\AuthorizationServiceInterface

Those two interfaces act as adapters between GraphQLite and your framework:

interface AuthenticationServiceInterface
* Returns true if the "current" user is logged.
* @return bool
public function isLogged(): bool;
interface AuthorizationServiceInterface
* Returns true if the "current" user has access to the right "$right".
* @param string $right
* @return bool
public function isAllowed(string $right): bool;