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Type mapping

As explained in the queries section, the job of GraphQLite is to create GraphQL types from PHP types.

Scalar mapping

Scalar PHP types can be type-hinted to the corresponding GraphQL types:

  • string
  • int
  • bool
  • float

For instance:

namespace App\Controller;

use TheCodingMachine\GraphQLite\Annotations\Query;

class MyController
public function hello(string $name): string
return 'Hello ' . $name;

Class mapping

When returning a PHP class in a query, you must annotate this class using #[Type] and #[Field] attributes:

namespace App\Entities;

use TheCodingMachine\GraphQLite\Annotations\Field;
use TheCodingMachine\GraphQLite\Annotations\Type;

class Product
// ...

public function getName(): string
return $this->name;

public function getPrice(): ?float
return $this->price;

Note: The GraphQL output type name generated by GraphQLite is equal to the class name of the PHP class. So if your PHP class is App\Entities\Product, then the GraphQL type will be named "Product".

In case you have several types with the same class name in different namespaces, you will face a naming collision. Hopefully, you can force the name of the GraphQL output type using the "name" attribute:

#[Type(name: "MyProduct")]
class Product { /* ... */ }

Array mapping

You can type-hint against arrays (or iterators) as long as you add a detailed @return statement in the PHPDoc.

* @return User[] <=== we specify that the array is an array of User objects.
public function users(int $limit, int $offset): array
// Some code that returns an array of "users".

ID mapping

GraphQL comes with a native ID type. PHP has no such type.

There are two ways with GraphQLite to handle such type.

Force the outputType

#[Field(outputType: "ID")]
public function getId(): string
// ...

Using the outputType attribute of the #[Field] attribute, you can force the output type to ID.

You can learn more about forcing output types in the custom types section.

ID class

use TheCodingMachine\GraphQLite\Types\ID;

public function getId(): ID
// ...

Note that you can also use the ID class as an input type:

use TheCodingMachine\GraphQLite\Types\ID;

public function save(ID $id, string $name): Product
// ...

Date mapping

Out of the box, GraphQL does not have a DateTime type, but we took the liberty to add one, with sensible defaults.

When used as an output type, DateTimeImmutable or DateTimeInterface PHP classes are automatically mapped to this DateTime GraphQL type.

public function getDate(): \DateTimeInterface
return $this->date;

The date field will be of type DateTime. In the returned JSON response to a query, the date is formatted as a string in the ISO8601 format (aka ATOM format).

PHP DateTime type is not supported.

Union types

Union types for return are supported in GraphQLite as of version 6.0:

public function companyOrContact(int $id): Company|Contact
// Some code that returns a company or a contact.

Enum types

PHP 8.1 introduced native support for Enums. GraphQLite now also supports native enums as of version 5.1.

enum Status: string
case ON = 'on';
case OFF = 'off';
case PENDING = 'pending';
* @return User[]
public function users(Status $status): array
if ($status === Status::ON) {
// Your logic
// ...
query users($status: Status!) {}
users(status: $status) {

By default, the name of the GraphQL enum type will be the name of the class. If you have a naming conflict (two classes that live in different namespaces with the same class name), you can solve it using the name property on the #[Type] attribute:

namespace Model\User;

#[Type(name: "UserStatus")]
enum Status: string
// ...

Enum types with myclabs/php-enum

This implementation is now deprecated and will be removed in the future. You are advised to use native enums instead.

Prior to version 5.1, GraphQLite only supported Enums through the 3rd party library, myclabs/php-enum. If you'd like to use this implementation you'll first need to add this library as a dependency to your application.

$ composer require myclabs/php-enum

Now, any class extending the MyCLabs\Enum\Enum class will be mapped to a GraphQL enum:

use MyCLabs\Enum\Enum;

class StatusEnum extends Enum
private const ON = 'on';
private const OFF = 'off';
private const PENDING = 'pending';
* @return User[]
public function users(StatusEnum $status): array
if ($status == StatusEnum::ON()) {
// Note that the "magic" ON() method returns an instance of the StatusEnum class.
// Also, note that we are comparing this instance using "==" (using "===" would fail as we have 2 different instances here)
// ...
// ...
query users($status: StatusEnum!) {}
users(status: $status) {

By default, the name of the GraphQL enum type will be the name of the class. If you have a naming conflict (two classes that live in different namespaces with the same class name), you can solve it using the #[EnumType] attribute:

use TheCodingMachine\GraphQLite\Annotations\EnumType;

#[EnumType(name: "UserStatus")]
class StatusEnum extends Enum
// ...
GraphQLite must be able to find all the classes extending the "MyCLabs\Enum" class in your project. By default, GraphQLite will look for "Enum" classes in the namespaces declared for the types. For this reason, your enum classes MUST be in one of the namespaces declared for the types in your GraphQLite configuration file.

Deprecation of fields

You can mark a field as deprecated in your GraphQL Schema by just annotating it with the @deprecated PHPDoc annotation. Note that a description (reason) is required for the annotation to be rendered.

namespace App\Entities;

use TheCodingMachine\GraphQLite\Annotations\Field;
use TheCodingMachine\GraphQLite\Annotations\Type;

class Product
// ...

public function getName(): string
return $this->name;

* @deprecated use field `name` instead
public function getProductName(): string
return $this->name;

This will add the @deprecated directive to the field in the GraphQL Schema which sets the isDeprecated field to true and adds the reason to the deprecationReason field in an introspection query. Fields marked as deprecated can still be queried, but will be returned in an introspection query only if includeDeprecated is set to true.

query {
__type(name: "Product") {
fields(includeDeprecated: true) {

Promise mapping

GraphQL includes a native \GraphQL\Deferred type. You can map the return type by adding a detailed @return statement in the PHPDoc. An alternative to the @return statement is using #[Field(outputType: SomeGQLType)].

All the previously mentioned mappings work with Promises, except when a return type is explicitly declared in the method signature.

This allows you to use \Overblog\DataLoader\DataLoader as an alternative for resolving N+1 query issues and caching intermediate results.

class Product
// ...

* @return string
public function getName(): Deferred
return new Deferred(fn() => $this->name);

#[Field(outputType: "Float")]
public function getPrice(): Deferred
return new Deferred(fn() => $this->price);

#[Field(outputType: "[String!]!")]
public function getCategories(#[Autowire('categoryDataLoader')] DataLoader $categoryDataLoader): SyncPromise
return $categoryDataLoader->load($this->id)->adoptedPromise;

More scalar types

Available in GraphQLite 4.0+

GraphQL supports "custom" scalar types. GraphQLite supports adding more GraphQL scalar types.

If you need more types, you can check the GraphQLite Misc. Types library. It adds support for more scalar types out of the box in GraphQLite.

Or if you have some special needs, you can develop your own scalar types.