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Version: 8.0.0

Error handling

In GraphQL, when an error occurs, the server must add an "error" entry in the response.

"errors": [
"message": "Name for character with ID 1002 could not be fetched.",
"locations": [ { "line": 6, "column": 7 } ],
"path": [ "hero", "heroFriends", 1, "name" ]

You can generate such errors with GraphQLite by throwing a GraphQLException.

use TheCodingMachine\GraphQLite\Exceptions\GraphQLException;

throw new GraphQLException("Exception message");

HTTP response code

By default, when you throw a GraphQLException, the HTTP status code will be 500.

If your exception code is in the 4xx - 5xx range, the exception code will be used as an HTTP status code.

// This exception will generate a HTTP 404 status code
throw new GraphQLException("Not found", 404);
GraphQL allows to have several errors for one request. If you have severalGraphQLException thrown for the same request, the HTTP status code used will be the highest one.

Customizing the extensions section

You can customize the whole "extensions" section with the 5th parameter of the constructor:

throw new GraphQLException("Field required", 400, null, "VALIDATION", ['field' => 'name']);

will generate:

"errors": [
"message": "Field required",
"extensions": {
"field": "name"

Writing your own exceptions

Rather that throwing the base GraphQLException, you should consider writing your own exception.

Any exception that implements interface TheCodingMachine\GraphQLite\Exceptions\GraphQLExceptionInterface will be displayed in the GraphQL "errors" section.

class ValidationException extends Exception implements GraphQLExceptionInterface
* Returns true when exception message is safe to be displayed to a client.
public function isClientSafe(): bool
return true;

* Returns the "extensions" object attached to the GraphQL error.
* @return array<string, mixed>
public function getExtensions(): array
return [];

Many errors for one exception

Sometimes, you need to display several errors in the response. But of course, at any given point in your code, you can throw only one exception.

If you want to display several exceptions, you can bundle these exceptions in a GraphQLAggregateException that you can throw.

use TheCodingMachine\GraphQLite\Exceptions\GraphQLAggregateException;

public function createProduct(string $name, float $price): Product
$exceptions = new GraphQLAggregateException();

if ($name === '') {
$exceptions->add(new GraphQLException('Name cannot be empty', 400, null, 'VALIDATION'));
if ($price <= 0) {
$exceptions->add(new GraphQLException('Price must be positive', 400, null, 'VALIDATION'));

if ($exceptions->hasExceptions()) {
throw $exceptions;

Webonyx exceptions

GraphQLite is based on the wonderful webonyx/GraphQL-PHP library. Therefore, the Webonyx exception mechanism can also be used in GraphQLite. This means you can throw a GraphQL\Error\Error exception or any exception implementing GraphQL\Error\ClientAware interface

Actually, the TheCodingMachine\GraphQLite\Exceptions\GraphQLExceptionInterface extends Webonyx's ClientAware interface.

Behaviour of exceptions that do not implement ClientAware

If an exception that does not implement ClientAware is thrown, by default, GraphQLite will not catch it.

The exception will propagate to your framework error handler/middleware that is in charge of displaying the classical error page.

You can change the underlying behaviour of Webonyx to catch any exception and turn them into GraphQL errors. The way you adjust the error settings depends on the framework you are using (Symfony, Laravel).

To be clear: we strongly discourage changing this setting. We strongly believe that the default "RETHROW_UNSAFE_EXCEPTIONS" setting of Webonyx is the only sane setting (only putting in "errors" section exceptions designed for GraphQL).