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Version: 8.0.0

Operation complexity

At some point you may find yourself receiving queries with an insane amount of requested fields or items, all at once. Usually, it's not a good thing, so you may want to somehow limit the amount of requests or their individual complexity.

Query depth

The simplest way to limit complexity is to limit the max query depth. webonyx/graphql-php, which GraphQLite relies on, has this built in. To use it, you may use addValidationRule when building your PSR15 middleware:

$builder = new Psr15GraphQLMiddlewareBuilder($schema);

$builder->addValidationRule(new \GraphQL\Validator\Rules\QueryDepth(7));

Although this works for simple cases, this doesn't prevent requesting an excessive amount of fields on the depth of under 7, nor does it prevent requesting too many nodes in paginated lists. This is where automatic query complexity comes to save us.

Static request analysis

The operation complexity analyzer is a useful tool to make your API secure. The operation complexity analyzer assigns by default every field a complexity of 1. The complexity of all fields in one of the operations of a GraphQL request is not allowed to be greater than the maximum permitted operation complexity.

This sounds fairly simple at first, but the more you think about this, the more you wonder if that is so. Does every field have the same complexity?

In a data graph, not every field is the same. We have fields that fetch data that are more expensive than fields that just complete already resolved data.

type Query {
books(take: Int = 10): [Book]

type Book {
author: Author

type Author {

In the above example executing the books field on the Query type might go to the database and fetch the Book. This means that the cost of the books field is probably higher than the cost of the title field. The cost of the title field might be the impact on the memory and to the transport. For title, the default cost of 1 os OK. But for books, we might want to go with a higher cost of 10 since we are getting a list of books from our database.

Moreover, we have the field author on the book, which might go to the database as well to fetch the Author object. Since we are only fetching a single item here, we might want to apply a cost of 5 to this field.

class Controller {
* @return Book[]
#[Cost(complexity: 10)]
public function books(int $take = 10): array {}

class Book {
public string $title;

#[Cost(complexity: 5)]
public Author $author;

class Author {
public string $name;

If we run the following query against our data graph, we will come up with the cost of 11.

query {
books {

When drilling in further, a cost of 17 occurs.

query {
books {
author {

This kind of analysis is entirely static and could just be done by inspecting the query syntax tree. The impact on the overall execution performance is very low. But with this static approach, we do have a very rough idea of the performance. Is it correct to apply always a cost of 10 even though we might get one or one hundred books back?

Full request analysis

The operation complexity analyzer can also take arguments into account when analyzing operation complexity.

If we look at our data graph, we can see that the books field actually has an argument that defines how many books are returned. The take argument, in this case, specifies the maximum books that the field will return.

When measuring the field`s impact, we can take the argument take into account as a multiplier of our cost. This means we might want to lower the cost to 5 since now we get a more fine-grained cost calculation by multiplying the complexity of the field with the take argument.

class Controller {
* @return Book[]
#[Cost(complexity: 5, multipliers: ['take'], defaultMultiplier: 200)]
public function books(?int $take = 10): array {}

class Book {
public string $title;

#[Cost(complexity: 5)]
public Author $author;

class Author {
public string $name;

With the multiplier in place, we now get a cost of 60 for the request since the multiplier is applied to the books field and the child fields' cost. If multiple multipliers are specified, the cost will be multiplied by each of the fields.

Cost calculation: 10 * (5 + 1)

query {
books {

When drilling in further, the cost will go up to 240 since we are now pulling twice as much books and also their authors.

Cost calculation: 20 * (5 + 1 + 5 + 1)

query {
books(take: 20) {
author {

Notice the nullable $take parameter. This might come in handy if take: null means "get all items", but that would also mean that the overall complexity would only be 1 + 5 + 1 + 5 + 1 = 11, when in fact that would be a very costly query to execute.

If all of the multiplier fields are either null or missing (and don't have default values), defaultMultiplier is used:

Cost calculation: 200 * (5 + 1 + 5 + 1)

query {
books(take: null) {
author {


As with query depth, automatic query complexity is configured through PSR15 middleware:

$builder = new Psr15GraphQLMiddlewareBuilder($schema);

// Total query cost cannot exceed 1000 points

Beware that introspection queries would also be limited in complexity. A full introspection query sits at around 107 points, so we recommend a minimum of 150 for query complexity limit.